Topics for M.Sc. / B.Sc. Theses

Academic Qualifications 

Please find below a list of currently available topics. Please note that the specified topics can be adapted to the requirements of bachelor's or master's theses.



Please check carefully the required skills for the different topics before you apply!

LabView-based Monitoring and alarming GUI for Automated laboratories / Smart Building Management


- literature search on monitoring and alarming systems for smart buildings / laboratories
- design and implementation of GUI for data acquisition and monitoring using LabView software (direct live sensor nodes / devices IoT data and database stored data).

- The GUI should be flexible to extend and add any new device; should be able to view the parameters (all/specific) of any selected sensor node or device

- design an automatic alarm when any measured value exceeds the permissible threshold with the possibility of automatic control of ventilation systems.



Skills / Knowledge required: 

- practical experience in LabView programming / JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- good knowledge of IoT, WiFi, and Bluetooth wireless technologies
- good knowledge of Microsoft SQL database



Supervisors:  Prof. Kerstin Thurow, Dr. Mohammed Al-Okby

Status: available

Acoustic / Ultrasound based indoor positioning system (IPS) for object tracking in automated laboratories


- literature search on acoustic / ultrasound-based indoor positioning (objects tracking and localization) systems including available commercial acoustic-based indoor positioning systems.

- study the operation principles of the commercial Marvelmind acoustic-baed indoor navigation system

- drawing building maps for room and laboratories; including maps into Marvelmind system software

- intensively testing the system in inverse architecture (IA) and non-inverse architecture (NIA) including line of sight (LoS) and non-line of sight (NLoS) conditions; comparison of results.

perform tasks to move between more than one map / submap (Multizone and handover zone)

- addressing and processing system measurement errors in the absence of line of sight; development of solutions for reduction of error rates



Skills / Knowledge required: 

- practical experience in programming language and database (C++/Phyton/JavaScript/MSSQL database)
- good knowledge of IoT system structure
- good knowledge in building internal maps



Supervisors:  Prof. Kerstin Thurow, Dr. Mohammed Al-Okby

Status: available

Optimization of Mobile Robot Navigation


- literature search on mobile robot navigation

- analysis of navigation behavior of mobile robot swarms

- optimization of path planning and navigation for mobile robots in life science laboratories

- intensive testing of optimized algorithms


Skills / Knowledge required: 

- knowledge in mobile robotics and indoor navigation 



Supervisors:  Prof. Kerstin Thurow, Dr. Steffen Junginger

Status: reserved

Multi Tags UWB indoor positioning system (IPS) based on DW3000 ultra wide band modules


- literature search on UWB-based real time indoor positioning (objects tracking and localization) systems

- focus on Two-Way Ranging (TWR), and Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) implementation

- module selection for practical implementation of multi tags indoor positioning system (IPS).

- design and implementation of at least 8 tags IPS in celisca building.  


Skills / Knowledge required: 

- deep knowledge and practical experience in programming and design (C++/python)
- good knowledge in IoT system structures

- good knowledge in WiFi and Bluetooth wireless technologies

- good knowledge in microcontroller programming



Supervisors:  Prof. Kerstin Thurow, Dr. Mohammed Al-Okby

Status: assigned to B.Sc. M. Bukhari

Developing and Testing Fire and Chemical Pollution Detection Algorithm for Environmental Sensor Node Using Sensor / Data Fusion


- literature search for deep learning and artificial intelligence algorithms used for fire and chemical pollution detection

- design and implementation of algorithms for the detection and prediction of fires based on different sensors such as particulate matter, temperature, humidity, air quality index, CO2 concentration

- testing of algorithm in different situations  


Skills / Knowledge required: 

- good knowledge and practical experience in programming and design (Embedded C, C++/python)
- good knowledge in machine learning and artificial intelligence (Neural Networks, SVM, Nearest Neighbor, Decision Trees, Random Forest)

- good knowledge in MS Excel and / or any other software for data processing

- good knowledge of sensor technology



Supervisors:  Dr. Mohammed Al-Okby, Prof. Dr. K. Thurow

Status: available

Capper Development


- Adaptation of the parking position to the multi-axis handler robot

- Geometric challenges due to the large number of laboratory vessels
- Slip resistance, freedom from deformation and symmetry in vessel fixation considering different vessel materials with possible adaptation strategies for gripping force and torque

- Constructive adaptation to the existing machine structure

- Energy transmission and data transmission from the housing to the rotating module

- Design, material and surface optimization for laboratory environments (corrosion, leaks, cleaning)

- Aspects of cost optimization, parts procurement, maintenance and user friendly assembly  related to possible product development


Skills / Knowledge required: 

- Routine in using CAD software
- Advanced mechanical knowledge
- Experience in equipment construction
- Sensitivity to the unique needs of laboratory environments


Supervisors:  Prof. Kerstin Thurow, Dipl.-Ing. L. Woinar

Status: available

Tray Verification Unit


- development of a verification unit for correct placement of a robot tray placed by a mobile robot

- sensor selection for presence detection
- sensor data collection and digital transfer to PC

- Development of a PC program to handle sensor data and to implement information into workflow automation software

- design and assembly of verification unit based on existing transfer stations 

- tests, documentations


Skills / Knowledge required: 

- good knowledge in sensor technology

- deep knowledge and practical experience with own source coding in object-oriented software programming und design (C++ / C#)

basic knowledge in CAD design with Solid works


Supervisors:  Prof. Kerstin Thurow, Dr. S. Junginger

Status: reserved

Automated Analytical Measurements I


- integration of work flow management system with  ICP/MS analytical system

- automated establishment of measurement sequences

- automated control of ICP/MS software from work flow management system

Skills / Knowledge required: 

programming skills, handling software repositories SVN / GIT



Supervisors:   Dr. T. Roddelkopf; Prof. Heidi Fleischer

Status: available

Automated Analytical Measurements II


- integration of work flow management system with  GC/MS and LC analytical systems

- automated establishment of measurement sequences

- automated control of GC/MS and LC software from work flow management system

Skills / Knowledge required: 

programming skills, handling software repositories SVN / GIT



Supervisors:   Dr. T. Roddelkopf; Prof. Heidi Fleischer

Status: available 

 SiLA Integration of Laboratory Automation Devices


- software development for existing laboratory automation devices

- SiLA compliant remote control software interface to be developed

Skills / Knowledge required: 

experience and understanding of windows programming, network technologies and web services, software coding in Visual C++/ C#



Supervisors:   Prof. Kerstin Thurow, Dr. Thomas Roddelkopf

assigned to: available